Ruby on Matrix 25 mm (India)
Name of crystal: Ruby
Common sources: India, Madagascar, Thailand, Myanmar
Astrological assosciations: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Chakra: Heart
Healing qualities: Ruby assists with decision-makings and are great for distant healing. It also brings health, energy, abundance, longevity, passion, and protection
Physical qualities: Ruby helps with fertility and the circulatory system. It also helps ensure a smooth pregnancy especially for older women
Emotional/spiritual qualities: Relieves anguish and suffering by emitting loving energy. Also helps in astral travels, meditation, spiritual wisdom and spirit guides.
Magical and mystical qualities: Protects against psychic and psychological attack and it’s said to darken in the presence of a liar
Reference: The Crystal Healer – Philip Permutt, Crystals for Health – Cassandra Eason
Reference: The Crystal Healer – Philip Permutt, Crystals for Health – Cassandra Eason